Effetto Mariposa Caffelatex Remover
Stains of latex sealants can be very difficult to remove.
Caffélatex Remover is a modern solvent that will soften/dissolve dried-out natural or synthetic latex stains from bicycle frames and clothes.
On metals or painted solid surfaces:
its stain-removal action is very strong and fast.
On fabrics:
a successful application depends on the fabric type and on the fabric ability to absorb/retain the sealant. As Caffélatex Remover formula comes from the dry-clean industry, it’s state-of-the-art in terms of stain removal from fabrics.
On tubeless valves:
its action is so strong it will even restore blocked valve mechanisms.
Caffélatex Remover doesn’t contain any dangerous or flammable chemicals.
Made in Italy.